I Never Would Have Thought

Serving here in the ministry is such a honor in many ways. At the age of 15 I knew that I wanted to serve the Lord in full-time ministry one day. Although I did stray away for a year in high school, after I went to college the Lord really began to work in me and I'm so thankful He never gave up.

Being a assistant pastor's wife is a privilege that I never thought I would have at such a wonderful place like Temple. I can't believe how God has blessed this church in so many ways. God was too good to me when He chose me to bring here to be the secretary, then later to marry Larry. I didn't deserve this place at all.

This past summer, we were voted on to church staff as Larry becoming the visitation pastor. This church really takes care of us, more than I could ever imagine. I could go on but I'll stop there or it'll become two pages worth!

So what I am trying to get to is that we are able to meet a lot of pastors across the US that I had heard of growing up and being at Pensacola. When I was at there, Pastor Schettler was the campus church pastor but being that there were so many students and people that attended the church, I never got to really meet him besides in passing and who am I for him to remember??! But this past October in our fall revival he came (we have him come every three years) and preached. Larry and I had the opportunity to go out to eat (to the grand Cheesecake Factory-another favorite restaurant of mine)and spend time with him. It was such a blessing and honor to me that I never thought I would have had. I thoroughly enjoyed 4 years of his preaching while I was at school! His preaching is INCREDIBLE! We also have Dr. Sisk every year at our missions conference (I'll a big post when we have it in April, ours is so GREAT!) come and speak and I remember hearing him in school chapels. Now the new campus church pastor is Dr. Neal Jackson and he came to speak at our Sweetheart banquet 2 weeks ago. We were able to sit down and spend time with him and his wife. They're great, they're from Georgia! Good southern people! We took them to the Fractured Prune on the back to the airport, gotta introduce that place to everyone who comes for a visit!

I love the opportunities that Larry and I have here. We count every day as a blessing from the Lord that He has brought us to such a godly place.

On Another NOTE: At the Sweetheart banquet, we had this incredible dessert and it was served with BLUE BELL ice cream and since they don't sell it here, we had to special order it through Outback Steakhouse. Two whole tubs of vanilla homemade Blue Bell ice cream. I did find the leftovers and eat me some later the next week, then I sent the rest home with Pastor since it's their favorite ice cream being from Texas. They introduced to me this great stuff this past summer.