
Coming in LIVE from Lake Waccamaw...

We are on day three, with two days to go and we're having a blast here. IT IS INCREDIBLY HUMID HERE!!!! Oh my goodness! My hair is in SHOCK!!!! I mean, it's worse than Florida! Previous times we have been here, I've just left my hair curly. This week I've left it straight and it's nuts! It has rained a little each day we've been here and I'm about to pull out the gel and hairspray.

Here's another one of the sisters, my mom sent this one to me today...

This picture of Bella cracks me up.... what a fur ball.

We have a GREAT group of kids this year. This is probably the best group yet. Here are just a few pictures from this week so far!


Wendy said...

Ugh! Can't say the humidity is any better up here! I have even considered going back to curly, but last time I tried to wear my hair curly, Brice was about 2 months old. If a 2 month old could roll on the ground laughing, I think he would have! LOL

Looks like a great week! Are these pictures taken with your NEW camera??