What We Did Today...

A couple of years ago we bought us a gun at the gun show here in the area. We've taken it shooting several times, gone through a class and today one of the guys that works for government who knows EVERYTHING about this fun stuff went shooting with us. I learned SO much! So here are just a couple of videos for you to see. I'm shooting two different guns in each video but the second video he's showing me if I ever had to shoot through my purse at someone, how to do it. I also had a picture of the purse afterward but I can't download it. Maybe later. This was WAY too much fun!

I will say it's a bit fuzzy, we had to really DOWNSIZE it for it to load and it just made it really fuzzy.

The gun show is this coming weekend and I think I know what else I want :)

I'm not a woman of violence, just self defense LOL!

Can't wait to go shooting again...


Sara said...

So does that mean you will be carrying a gun in your purse now?

Kara Wright said...

LOL... no I told Larry I wasn't responsible enough with my purse to have a gun in it. Knowing me I would leave laying somewhere and kid would come up and find it! But maybe one day.

Mom said...

Must you give me something else to worry about??? LOL