Black & Brown

So I'm one that would NEVER in my life wear black and brown together-even if it were in style, I wouldn't do it. So this morning I was getting ready and pulled out a skirt that I had gotten a few weeks ago thinking it was navy. Today I thought I would wear it with a white shirt and brown shoes. After getting ready, we hopped in the car and I asked Larry "do you like my navy skirt?" He said "that's not navy, it's black!" I said "no it's not" and as I was saying that, looking down at it, it was SO BLACK!! I could not believe that I totally missed that!!!!!!! I was destraught-is that how you spell that? How could I have done that? I got to work and thought I needed to go home and change, this is a good outfit that I'm wasting just cuz it doesn't match. You can bet that tonight as soon as I get home I'm changing cuz I'm definitely not going to revival like this tonight!