Let the Sun Come Out...

Today we saw the sun for the first time in a couple of days which isn't that long but considering there are piles and piles of snow to be melted... it was nice to see. So it really did start melting away the snow which is kind of sad. I really enjoyed the "Super Storm!" We had church today and surprisingly we had 118 there this morning and about the same tonight (we normally run 500 on a regular Sunday). I was SHOCKED that many people came out. We are off of work tomorrow and POSSIBLY Tuesday... we'll wait and see. It's going to be fun having this Monday and next Monday off. OH! And there is a 70% chance that we're getting more snow Tuesday afternoon on into Wednesday. WOW.

Well, we are sitting here watching the Super Bowl. Who are you pulling for? We are pulling for the COLTS!!! GO COLTS! We stopped by KFC and grabbed a bucket of wings, came home and turned the game on. Oh no, the Saints just made a touch down-stink.

I'll be back tomorrow.