How Does Your Garden Grow??

 We did our first mail out this week for the church. You can see here we sent out over 2,500 cards in the area to people's houses. Yes believe it or not, there's that many houses here!! Larry designed the card, we went them off and had them printed then we sent them off to the post office to be mailed. I have to say, I'm so proud to have such a talented husband! For this mail out, we had our Missions Conference and our VBS dates printed on them.

 I've been busy cooking, baking and crafting. I've turned my plane jane lampshades into zebra printed ones, I have a picture but for some reason it won't download :( Maybe my next post I can try it again.

Our garden is HOPPIN'. It's crazy how fast things are growing in it!! I call it "Mine and Mommy's Garden" but really it should be "Da-Da's" garden, he's done all the work, we've just supervised :)

Yesterday we went to hear our youth choir sing to the elderly. They did such a great job and as always, the people just love our little goose :) Just look at this Larry face... seriously, she's such a little Larry. If our next one is a boy, I wonder who he will look like!! Or is this little face a "Kara" face????


Misty said...

Very cute pink jellyshoes.

The Vernon's said...

She is so cute! I could just eat her up!