Love People

When we first came to Marlbrook, Larry set the philosophy of our church "Love God, Love People, Reach the World" because that's what God's Word tells us to do. Larry designed these magnets and handed them out to everybody in our church as a constant reminder of what we are here on earth to do. 

When we moved here I had SO many things I couldn't wait to do with Mariah. One of them was getting to visit the elderly in our church. Larry, me and Mariah are visiting every family in the church but I also wanted to go out with Mariah during the day while Larry was working and engrain in her mind... life isn't about her. So we started visiting the elderly in the church and we have so much fun getting to visit them. It just does your heart good, ya know? If you're too busy doing things for your self and neglect the ministry, your focus is wrong. 

So as part of the philosophy, we have been "Loving People". Here's just a couple of pictures from one of our visits. Meet Frank and Eleanor Snyder!

I know that one day when my children are grown and gone, I would LOVE to have someone bring a cutie like this one over to my house:)