Our Exciting Weekend

Mariah is 11 months old! Whew... I have to stop thinking about it because that means in one month, my little girl will be a ONE!!!! We're excited about her party. I'm just waiting on a few more things to come in and it's all done. 

We had her 11 month pictures today (the pics are a little off color, this is a picture of the pictures). I only got two poses since I know I'm going to go nuts for her 1 year pics. I was pretty pleased with how they turned out.
  Kenneth and Samantha came for the weekend. Samantha and I went to Roanoke and shopped while the guys from church had their golf tournament and last night they finished up the teen room.  I can't wait to post pictures, it looks SO. Good. Seriously.  In the next couple of weeks we will go to my brother's house to pick up the pool table and bring it back for the room. Our guys are awesome. That room came together in just 2 short weeks.

Today was our first Homecoming at Marlbrook. We had a great day, great turnout and lots of visitors. We just absolutely love our church family. God is good.

 This was our beautiful view we had Saturday night in our back yard. Love having a back yard with this kind of view:):)

Oh and ummm T-2 days (maybe??) for the iPhone 5?? I hope so!!