3 Years and Still Learning...

First off, I don't want this blog to be a "daily bread from Kara" thing, but often there are times when I learn things whether from being married or just from being in the ministry that I think is worth sharing so please don't think every time you log on, I'm beating you on the head with something else but I just thought this was worth sharing...

I have known Larry for 3 1/2 years and it'll be 3 years July that we will have been married. I will admit I believe one problem that caused my first engagement (I'll happily share that story another day) to be broken is the fact that I didn't trust although Scripturally I should have, but I believe the Lord allowed (even though it was wrong) me not so that it wouldn't work out. When I say "trust," I don't mean trust as in trusting he won't cheat on me, trusting he won't go out and do something bad... I mean trusting that he knows best. I remember sitting in on Bible study last year and hearing Mrs. Pittman talking about being under the "umbrella" of our husbands. As we know, us as women are to submit to our husbands and trust in him to make right decisions. That is a hard thing for me as I am very independent and I make decisions without thinking twice. But now since I'm married, that's not my place anymore (when I say decisions, I mean big ones, I know there are times when we don't always have our husbands there to make a decision).

There have been so many different times where I have voiced my opinion thinking I was right now matter what and EVERY SINGLE TIME I have been wrong (I believe that was the Lord humbling me!). I have learned to give my opinion then leave it up to Larry-now I'm not saying that I believe that the wife can never say anything. I believe that it's perfectly fine for the husband and wife talk about it, the wife gives her opinion but the husband makes the final decision and knowing that no matter what happens, I'm safe under the "umbrella" no matter what happens because I have trusted his decision. So it's been 3 years and I think I'm finally getting the picture...

I love him and I trust him.