I Failed to Mention...

I noticed that I forgot to mention that since we are in Florida I can't promise that I'll be blogging a lot this week. For one reason, I left my card reader at home and I'm distraught! And ya'll know that I can't post without pictures! So I guess I'll have to wait until we get back to load all of my pictures!

I just got back from getting my hair done and AHHHHHHHHHHHH.... I feel so much better. Do any of you out there feel the same way when you get your 6 inch roots taken care of? Probably not since I'm the only one out there who waits 6 months to get their hair fixed. Thanks to Bre, I'm a new woman now! I have before and after pictures for later.

Today is my dad's birthday.... Happy Birthday daddy! I love you very very much and I wish I could be there on your special day!

Today I got to go out with my mother-in-law and spend the day with her while Larry went to go look at church building ideas! I love my MIL, some people out there don't really get along with their in laws but I am blessed to have such wonderful in laws. I LOVE MINE! We went out shopping for shoes and well...... clothes-who would have thought! We went to lunch and hopped over to Krispy Kreme and are ya'll wondering if I cheated???????? I'll answer that one on another post! I'll keep you guessing to see if you really know me!

I hope ya'll have a great weekend!