My Least Favorite Thing...

I hate shots! I definitely got all the ones you had to have growing up but I have to admit to my mom, I haven't gotten a flu shot ever since I moved out of the house! I know my mom isn't surprised at all-she knows my hate for shots. Ever since I got this one shot when I was smaller and it made me pass out, I have despised them. People say to me, "what are you going to do when you have a baby?" Okay, I'm not that bad, I'm sure that the pain from the contractions will over power my fear of a needle but oh! Don't get me wrong, when I go in and see a new mom and her baby, I do look at that needle in their hand and get grossed out!

So I'm sure you have seen the news about the Redskins cheerleader who got the flu shot and ten days later came down with this one-in-a-million disease, Dystonia. It's terrible. I have heard both sides that it did and did not come from the shot. Well, either way, I FEEL SO SORRY for her. If you haven't seen this video of it, it will break your heart. She can't walk forwards, but she can walk backwards and run forwards normal. When she's running, she CAN talk normal, but as soon as she stops, she can't speak well at all. Watch the video if you have a chance to.


The Tranthams said...

I am the same way with shots! I HATE them! Within the past 2 months I think I have had more blood drawn than in my whole life! I have passed out before, but I was like in my 20s when that happened..haha! I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes time to deliver these babies!!!

I don't think I have ever had the flu shot (even while I was teaching) and I have only had the flu once during the flu season. All the doctors and nurses are telling me I should get the flu shot now that I am pregnant because your immune system doesn't work like it would normally. I will probably get it, but really don't want to, not just because of the shot, but because a lot of people I know that get the flu shot end up getting the flu anyway... doesn't make since to me!

Anyway, just thought I'd share that I am the same way with shots! And I don't think I'm going to watch the video because I most likely will get the flu shot anyway...although it kinda worries me...

Have a great weekend!

The Wagner Family said...

We don't do flu shots either. I'd rather boost our immune systems with healthy food and herbs than sit thru five kids getting needles stuck in them.