What Not to Say...

Yeah, I embarrassed myself in staff meeting today. We were talking about a very nice spanish person who has started visiting the church and I said:

"Yeah, and he speaks very well English."

I caught myself too late, as I was thinking about what just came out of my mouth, one of the guys made a big scene about it and my face turned red-then everybody was laughing at me. I meant to say that he speaks english very well. What can I say, oops is my middle name these days.

Hey, have you put your Christmas tree up yet? I have never noticed before how that so many people put their tree up so early! Believe me, if I were living by myself, I would have it up by now. We were in Michaels yesterday and I saw all of the Christmas decorations and I really do want to do a tree-I still can't decide though... I'll have to wait until after Thanksgiving and see if I still feel that way.

Me and the girls are SO READY for Thanksgiving break!!!!


Tammy said...

Cute pic. Love the sweater. We are putting up our decor tomorrow and Thursday...come on over and help.

Wendy said...

If they hadn't just put my Christmas tree on the moving truck, I would so be putting it up right now!