Here's Our Land!!

Let me take you on a little tour of the site of our future home!!!

It's located in Lee's Crossing subdivision, Leesburg-10 acres with a well already on it!... here we are pulling into the subdivision.

And it's just down a little ways on the right... If you look closely it's the piece with the brown tall grass.

And here we are!

Yep I'm pretty excited... Can you tell??

If you look behind the trees at the fence on the right, that's outlining the edge of or piece...

Yep he's pretty excited too!

Our neighbors across the street. They're our closest neighbors. That's QUITE a change from our neighbors we have now :)

Ok I think I took enough pictures !

They're happy too :)


Our Family said...

I can't even talk to you right now, I'm so jealous!!!!!! Congratulations. Seriously, jealous!!!!

Sara said...

That's so awesome. When do you start building?

Kara Wright said...

Well, right now it won't be for another 2-3 years but that can always change depending on the market and when we can get rid of our townhouse at a reasonale price.. so we'll see!