Lyme Freak...

Two people in our school have recently found out they got Lyme Disease. One is a kid and the other is my boss. Having two dogs that live inside you don't worry about it but I found a tick for the first time on Sierra and now I'm freaking out cause she sleeps in our bed! I ran and put her tick stuff on her right away so hopefully any other will fall off and now I'm stripping the bed to wash the sheets.

We heard back on our townhouse yesterday after 6 long months and it's a no go! They came back lower on the counter offer then went up $15k. I didn't know they could do that but oh well! So now we're looking at another one... but who knows! I'm just going to concentrate on fixing this one up and enjoy living in this one! I'm am thankful for this house!

Did you ever have a charm bracelet growing up? I did and it was sooo full of fun little charms. Well I like the new styles that are out now-some are more of the expensive ones and some are the cheaper ones (which I like better :) I was at Hallmark the other day while Larry was at the dentist and I saw their line of charm bracelets (ok, I totally forget what they call them) but I was going to buy one for a girl who is graduating from our school that I'm close to and I really wanted one myself. So I went back today and bought two different ones because I couldn't figure out which one I wanted... so for right now, I've decided on this one since it goes with more different things.

Then I saw this necklace and couldn't pass it up either. So blingy :) It's one of those things that you would never look for one of these but when you see it... it's like, Wow! I like that :)

I guess you could say Thursdays are labeled as my "shopping" days.