Even in the Valley...God is Good

PLEASE click on the link below to watch this sweet video...

I'm sure a lot of ya'll have heard of the Cretzman family missionarries to Cuba (currently still on deputation) who were in a car accident this past Monday. When I first heard, of course my heart just broke learning of their 3 years old passing away in her daddy's arms. But what a testimony this family has knowing that their little girl is in Heaven. They have such a sweet spirit and are so grateful for everyone's prayers and gifts they have contributed to them during the past few days.

But the one thing that has stuck out to me is this picture...

Here is a picture of Lana (the mother of the 3 year old-who was also injured in the accident) with a nurse that she lead to the Lord. Look at the smile on a mother's face who just lost her little girl but just won this lady to Christ. Her smile is genuine. What a testimony to see how happy she is that this lady accepted Christ through hearing the story of the death of their daughter but knowing she is with Christ in eternity. How important our testimony is even in the most difficult times because people are watching us. We as Christians have what those who don't know Christ-the peace and hope of God knowing that our loved ones are in Heaven.

I have a LONG ways to "grow"... I only hope that no matter what happens in our lives, Christ is glorified and praised because that is what we are here on earth for, to honor, praise and glorify Him through the good and the bad times.

We have a long ways to go, so many people are dying and going to hell (and we worry about the petty things), we have to tell them of Christ's love and what He did for us.

Even in the valley, God is GOOD!


Melissa D. said...

Such a powerful testimony!! Thank you for sharing, Kara!! What a great example of Christ's love and compassion for His children even in the darkest of times!

Julie Chappell said...

I have also been following this story, and I have never been so heartbroken over a strangers loss. Maybe it's because we are getting ready to go on deputation and we also have 2 little girls. While it's such a tragedy, the Lord is in control and obviously has his hand in this. I have been praying...and crying...for them daily!